“Pride and Prejudice” Inspired
Pride & Prejudice inspired earrings
My mom and I are best friends. We love to spend time together, and we especially love to stay in and watch movies! Our favorite genre is obviously Romance, but we have an ULTIMATE favorite within that genre… Pride & Prejudice (2005) starring Keira Knightley. I’m not kidding when I say we’ve been obsessed since it came out. We created a tradition where we watch it together at least once a year! That being said, I thought there would be no better gift than to create a Pride & Prejudice inspired earring set to give to my mom for Mother’s Day.
One of my favorite scenes in the film is when Mr. Darcy walks through the English countryside and tells Elizabeth his iconic line, “You have bewitched me body and soul…" SO good. It takes place at sunrise and the color scheme in the scene is gorgeous. I decided to base my earrings’ color scheme on the pale yellow, fresh green, and cloudy white/blue seen in the scene. The yellow diamond gemstone, mini green diamond gemstone, and the white diamond gemstone that reflects different colors (mostly blue hues) are direct references to those colors.
Apart from the overall color scheme, I added two pearl accents into the earring as a reference to Elizabeth’s hairstyle at the ball. The dance scene between her and Mr. Darcy is easily my second favorite scene. I love their banter and how the whole room disappears as they get deeper into conversation and dance. Elizabeth wears a white dress with white pearls in her pinned-up hair. Her look is beautiful and classic so I added the pearls to pay an ode to that look.
Lastly, the earrings have 5 main accents included (yellow diamond, white diamond, green diamond, and two pearls). There are five Bennett sisters and these accents represent them. I paired the two pearls together to represent Kitty and Lydia. They were always two peas in a pod or in this case, two “pearls” in a pod. The white and green diamond gems in the center represent Jane and Elizabeth. They were also very close and I thought the colors did a good job at capturing their essences. Finally, the lone yellow diamond is for Mary. She usually seemed out of place in her family, but she’s just as important and beautiful as the rest of her sisters.
These earrings are one of my most unique styles yet, and I’m happy that my mom gets to have the first pair. She’s always been my biggest supporter and creating these earrings to honor one of our favorite traditions was really special. Now all that’s left to do is have our next movie night!
The song that accompanies the earrings: Mrs Darcy — From “Pride and Prejudice”