Jeweldre: Our Story
Jeweldre’s first logo
After graduating from undergrad, I went through the very typical life-crisis recent graduates go through. I had just spent four years learning and gaining experience for one specific career path but then started doubting if that’s what I truly wanted to do. So, I was driving home from my job and was feeling stressed about everything. I started playing the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack since it’s a guilty pleasure, and the music made me emotional immediately. I was overwhelmed with gratefulness for the composing, lyrics, and overall art that is poured into productions like this. The soundtrack filled me with joy in a moment when I was upset and anxious about what my next steps would be. Entertainment in the form of movies and musicals has truly been a constant pillar of happiness and hope in my life regardless of what else is going on.
At that moment, I wished I could incorporate the art that I love into my everyday life. I wanted to find a way to have a piece of that happiness and hope always with me. Unfortunately, I’m not a great singer or actor so being a part of a live production wouldn’t work. I’m also not a great artist so I crossed that out. I finally landed on jewelry making. It’s a craft that I knew I could learn and it could give me the creative freedom to design inspired pieces in any way I wanted. My goal was to create subtly inspired jewelry with thoughtful designs that were beautiful, affordable, and not tacky or too obvious.
This happened over 2 years ago. I came up with the idea, bought some materials, and then didn’t act on it. Instead, I decided to go back to school in order to pivot career paths. It was ultimately the best decision for me, but I never forgot about the passion and excitement I felt about making inspired jewelry. Then, the pandemic hit. It felt like life had taken a pause. In the first few months of uncertainty, I decided to use my newfound free time in quarantine to practice my jewelry making, and I haven’t stopped since. Now I’ve finally started making earrings inspired by my favorite movies and musicals, and I’d like to share my creations with you.
They bring happiness and hope into my everyday life the way I thought they would. I know there are so many people in the world that feel the same happiness whenever they see or listen to their favorite movies or shows. Hopefully, my jewelry can remind them of that joy every day as they do for me.